Simon Pendal / Taylor + Hinds / Vokes and Peters (Amag 36)

Amag, 2024


Simon Pendall, Taylor and Hinds and Vokes and Peters are part of a strong, architectural culture across Australia, working by choice in the Australian peripheries.

Despite the distance between them-Simon Pendal in Perth Western Australia is 4,000 km from Vokes and Peters in Brisbane on Queensland’s eastern coast who are in turn 2,400 km from Taylor and Hinds in Cremorne, Tasmania-they share a considerable sense of collegiality with each other and with the community of architects and academics in their locale. For Simon Pendal this includes Vittino Ashe, Stephen Neille, Penhale and Winter, Beth George and Andrew Power. For Mat Hinds they are Timothy Hill, Megan Bayn and Lucy Burke-Smith. For Vokes and Peters they are Donovan Hill, Gerrard Murtagh, Lineburgh Wang and Zuzana and Nicholas.

The leaders of all three practices worked or studied in the UK or Europe and have brought a critical contextuality to the places in which they build. What is surprising and highly appropriate for the current discussions of sustainability, is that the considerable visual and conceptual force of their designs is achieved in works that are largely adaptive re-use. (…)


ISBN: 9789893530481

208 pagina's, illustraties in kleur & z/w, 32 x 24 cm, Portugees/Engels