Leen Voet: For All the Cats in the World

Martin Germann, Valerie Verhack, Eva Wittocx

Museum M & Ludion, 2023


In her paintings, installations and drawings, which she systematically brings together in series, Belgian artist Leen Voet (b. 1971) incorporates elements from visual and literary sources with a subtle humor. Taking a voyeuristic approach to life, painting and artistry, Voet reflects on stereotypes, the autonomy of the individual and on origin and lineage. Her art hovers along the edge of the pictorial and is characterized by vibrant colors, delineated areas of color and geometrical shapes.

M Leuven will present an extensive monographic exhibition of Leen Voet in April 2023, bringing together paintings and drawings from various series over the past 15 years. She also displays new work there. This richly illustrated book is Leen Voet’s first monograph and includes an essay by Martin Germann as well as a conversation between the artist and Eva Wittocx.


ISBN: 9789493039971

272 pagina's, geïllustreerd, 26 x 21 cm, hardcover, Engels/Nederlands