Le monde comme il va: Pinault Collection


Éditions Dilecta, 2024


A presentation of emblematic works from the Pinault collection, initiating a dialogue between established and emerging artists, between artistic practices, scattered throughout the various spaces of the Bourse de Commerce which are punctuated by large installations. The works have in common that they displace and disrupt the usual benchmarks and measurements. With: Maurizio Cattelan, Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons, Cindy Sherman, Sturtevant, Rosemarie Trockel, Anne Imhof, Mohammed Sami, Pol Taburet, Salman Toor… IN FRANS!


ISBN: 9782373721928

208 pagina's, illustraties in kleur & z/w, 28 x 21,8 cm, hardcover, Frans