Judy Chicago: Revelations (Serpentine)

Judy Chicago, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Martha Easton

Serpentine Gallery & Thames & Hudson, 2024


Revelations is the work that Judy Chicago (American feminist artist, b. 1939) believed would never be published: a radical retelling of human history in the form of an illuminated manuscript, recovering stories of women that society sought to erase. Begun alongside her iconic installation The Dinner Party in the mid-1970s, and drawing on her intensive research into goddess worship and women’s history, Revelations is foundational to Chicago’s decades-long practice. It is at once a vibrant narrative and a work of art, fifty years in the making.


ISBN: 9780500027899

304 pagina's, 300 illustraties, 23,5 x 18,1 cm, hardcover, Engels