Rose Wylie: Picky People Notice …, (S.M.A.K.)

Tanja Boon, Philippe van Cauteren, Rosalind Nashashibi, Rose Wylie

S.M.A.K., 2023


Picky people notice., is the first solo exhibition in Belgium by the internationally renowned British artist Rose Wylie (°1934). It includes a selection of recent and never-before-seen paintings and drawings. Rose Wylie has been painting for over seven decades but resumed her artistic career in the 1980s. She finds inspiration in mythology, art history, folk art, literature, cinema, sports and celebrity culture. She interweaves her broad cultural knowledge with observations from her immediate environment – often first in the form of drawings – and thereby makes associations that are visual, personal and urgent. To this day, Wylie paints in an unconstrained manner and her work continues to feel contemporary through the choice and transformation of the subjects. Her visual language is characterized by fragmented representations, flattened perspectives and remarkable scale enlargements that aim at a poetic representation of reality.

In addition to her idiosyncrasy, Wylie also relates to the fundamentals of painting: composition, technique, texture and color. She alternates thick blobs of paint with careful lines and brings untreated canvas to life through fragments of text and rough paint accents. The contrast between lightness and heaviness also plays a role in a deeper reading of Wylie’s work. Her direct, cartoonish visual language expresses a concern for larger cultural themes, such as war, wealth, global warming and the stereotypical representation of women.IN DUTCH!/p>


ISBN: 9789075679687

104 pages, illustrated, 24 x 17 cm, paperback, Dutch