Peter Greenaway: Leonardo’s Last Supper
L'Ultima Cena di Leonardo
Edizioni Charta, 2008
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Since 2006, iconoclastic British filmmaker Peter Greenaway has been engaged in a project to reinvigorate some of the most iconic paintings in the history of art in an attempt to get people to look at them again in a new way. Using audio and projectors, Greenaway barrages the selected paintings with imagery, cinema, poetry and special effects. This volume is published concurrently with Greenaway’s performance of Leonardo’s Last Supper (2008) in the Refectory of the Santa Maria delle Grazie friary, where Leonardo da Vinci painted his famous masterpiece.
The publication is a kind of artist’s book, a tome of photographic reproductions of the painting by Leonardo.
Our copy is in perfect condition
ISBN: 9788881586912