Oase 117: Project Village / Project dorp

Stefan Devoldere, Maarten Liefooghe, Sereh Mandias

Nai010 Publishers, 2024


A surprising historical frame of reference for modern and contemporary village projects.

Does the village still function meaningfully as a model in times of general urbanization? The history of architecture and urban planning has paid insufficient attention to the village. This also applies to the contemporary architectural debate, which is still dominated by the avant-garde, urbanity, institutional building types and urban repurposing. Recently, however, the village has received more attention, partly due to the growing demand for spatial densification, climate challenges and biodiversity. There is a need for a qualitative approach to village densification in the Netherlands and Belgium and for a growing interest in preserving and restoring the identity of villages and landscapes.

OASE 117 contributes to the debate on the architecture and urban design of villages and examines them not as the antithesis of modernity, but as its complex product. Eight essays analyze images, inventories, idealizations and makeovers of villages in the changing socio-political contexts of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.


ISBN: 9789462088399

128 pages, b/w illustrations, 24 x 17 cm, paperback, Dutch/English