Mous Lamrabat: Mousganistan

Mous Lamrabat

Lannoo, 2024


Mousganistan is the first oeuvre overview of the acclaimed Belgian-Moroccan photographer Mous Lamrabat. The book celebrates love and freedom and explores the ‘in-between’ universe that Lamrabat created in his work. A universe in which contradictions merge into beauty and abundance, and in which new connections and dialogues arise.

Using both his iconic fashion images and his personal work, Mousganistan explores themes such as migration, capitalism, religion and culture. Sharp, but always cheerful.
Mous Lamrabat challenges our views on cultures and leads us to another possible world with humor, joy and courage.


ISBN: 9789401499002

276 pages, color images, 28,2 x 23,2 cm, hardcover, no text