Michael Boyd: Thinking + Living like an Architect

Alex Michaelis, Tim Boyd

Clearview Books, 2016


Divided into three chapters, Houses in the City, Houses in the Country and Places People Go To, the book showcases some of MBA’s most spectacular projects, showing site pictures before, during and after construction. Most architecture books gloss over the nightmare part of the build, but the authors are keen to explain exactly what to expect during the process. Scattered throughout the book are some of the inspirations for MBA’s designs, things they like and items that inspire them. While much of their work is focused in Central London, MBA has undertaken commissions worldwide including France,Germany and Los Angeles. In particular, their work for the Soho House Group and their emphasis on recycling and the environment have been the hallmarks of their success.

SKU: 12891 Category:

ISBN: 9781908337030

160 pagina's, geïllustreerd, 25 × 25 cm, hardcover, Engels