Maarten van Heemskerck 1498-1574

english edition available

Ilja M. Veldman

Frans Hals Museum, Teylers, Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar & W Books, 2024


Masterful art from the Northern Netherlands Renaissance.

Maarten van Heemskerck (1498-1574) is one of the most important Northern Netherlands artists from the sixteenth century. His earliest paintings already bear witness to a masterful creativity and originality.

A stay in Rome in 1532-1536/1537 is decisive for Heemskerck’s further career. The ancient art and the masterpieces of Italian artists such as Michelangelo and Raphael that he sees there make a deep impression on him. His style and themes change radically as a result. After returning to Haarlem in 1537, Heemskerck develops into the best representative of the Renaissance in the Northern Netherlands.

In this book, his life and work are described in context for the first time and set against the background of social circumstances and historical events. The painter lives in turbulent times. The Beeldenstorm and the uprising against the Spanish regime put an end to traditional art for churches and monasteries in the Northern Netherlands, while the wealthy bourgeoisie became the new target group. Thanks to Heemskerck, printmaking also flourished as a new artistic medium for broader sections of the population.

This new, richly illustrated standard work contains numerous new discoveries and insights. IN DUTCH, AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH UPON REQUEST


ISBN: 9789462586550

304 pages, color illustrations, 28 x 23 cm, paperback, Dutch (available in English upon request)