Luigi Snozzi. 25 Aphorismen zur Architektur

Luigi Snozzi

Edition Bibliothek Werner Oechslin, Einsiedeln & Schwabe Verlag, Basel, 2013


out of print

Italian-Swiss architect Luigi Snozzi from Ticino in one of the outstanding personalities of building culture. His aphorisms are a central part of this teaching. Snozzi was already using them as guiding principles for students during his first teaching position at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich (1973-1975).
In this book – for the first time ever- the aphorisms are published with their corresponding illustrations. They date back to UNSER ARCHITEKTONISCHES BREVIER, the oldest known documentation of the aphorisms, from Snozzi’s studio in Locarno.
Snozzi’s theoretical fragments are not to be construed as rules, but rather as an invitation to think about people and architecture – they pose questions central to architecture as a discipline.

SKU: 9964 Category:

ISBN: 9783796532641

103 pagina's, z/w illustraties, 19,5 × 24 cm, hardcover, Duits/Engels