Katharina Sieverding: Art and Capital

Bundeskunsthalle & Hirmer, 2017


Sieverding became famous for the unparalleled consistency with which she has applied her greatly enlarged portraits in film and photographs since the 1960s by manipulating them in a variety of ways. Since the 1970s she has developed large-format montages on the state of the world which were presented to the public for the first time at documenta 6 in 1977. In doing so she challenges the accelerated picture processes of the present day in a critical manner and in the light of responsibility, also towards herself. Her oeuvre is spotlighted from all angles in illustrations of her works, details and installation photos as well as texts on the use of media, the self-portrait and analogue and digital photography.

SKU: 14815 Category:

ISBN: 9783777428086

256 pagina's, 300 illustraties, 24.5 × 28 cm, hardcover, Engels