Het Delft van Vermeer (Museum Prinsenhof Delft)

David de Haan, Arthur K. Wheelock Jr., Babs van Eijk e.a.

Museum Prinsenhof Delft & Waanders, 2023


In the seventeenth century, Delft was a breeding ground for talent, a Dutch city where important innovations took place. Here Johannes Vermeer grew into a world-class painter. Unfortunately, not much is known about Vermeer, we don’t even know from whom he learned the trade. This richly illustrated publication shows what we do know and what can be discovered in Vermeer’s Delft. Through key figures in Vermeer’s life, we gain insight into the artistic, intellectual and social climate in seventeenth-century Delft. By zooming in on the world and the people around Vermeer, we get a better view of the master, but the mystery about his genius remains intact. IN DUTCH!


ISBN: 9789462624498

144 pages, 110 color illustrations, 27 x 23 cm, paperback, Dutch