Beroofd: Persoonlijke verhalen over roof en restitutie van Joods cultuurbezit

Julie-Marthe Cohen, Mara Lagerweij

Rijksmuseum & Joods Cultureel Kwartier, 2024


The Jewish Cultural Quarter and the Dutch Rijksmuseum organize the exhibition Beroofd, a major museum project about cultural property stolen by the Nazis from Jewish owners in the Netherlands, specifically focused on art, Jewish books and ritual objects. The stories of Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita, Max Heppner, Dési Goudstikker, Louis Lamm and others give these owners a face and make it clear that claiming and restoring Jewish cultural property is still meaningful today and a form of legal restoration.

In eight moving personal stories, Robbed makes clear the emotional impact of this robbery, as part of a process of dehumanization, and how this injustice resonates to this day in subsequent generations. IN DUTCH, ON REQUEST AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH!


ISBN: 9789462088580

288 pages, illustrated, 21 x 15,6 cm, paperback, Dutch (on request available in English)