Autonoom: 100% Carel Weeber

Wouter Vanstiphout

Maas Lawrence, 2024


With this book, architecture historian Wouter Vanstiphout delves into Weeber’s life and work. According to Vanstiphout, the common thread in this story is “that Weeber consciously adopted the attitude of an outsider from the beginning of his professional career and paradoxically had a great influence on Dutch architecture and its institutions through the almost theatrical effect of this attitude.”

The book covers topics such as Weeber’s childhood in Curaçao and his career as the Netherlands’ most controversial architect, including his surprisingly productive existence as an ‘ex-architect’. Vanstiphout analyses Weeber’s ideas and designs in an original way and makes convincingly clear how personal his seemingly impersonal, ‘objective’ architecture and urban planning have always been. (IN DUTCH)




ISBN: 9789083286020

416 pages, illustrated, 23 x 16,8 cm, paperback, Dutch