Geo Verbanck: 1881-1961

Johnny Bekaert (Ed), Anthony Demey, Roger Laute (photography)

Poespa producties, 2024


Ghent sculptor Geo Verbanck (1881-1961) left behind an impressive oeuvre and is considered one of the last classical sculptors and also called “le poète de l’élégance”. His broad craft training allowed him to create works in a variety of materials. His oeuvre includes works in plaster, bronze, various types of stone.
Initially still influenced by the winding art nouveau, his work will gradually evolve into a more linear and angular art deco expression during the interbellum. After the Second World War, his work is characterized by a softer round design. IN DUTCH!


ISBN: 9789083439907

368 pages, 26 x 25 cm, illustrate, hardcover, Dutch