Research Video Handbook: Filming, Researching, Annotating

Gunter Lösel and Martin Zimper

Birkhaüser, 2022


The Handbook Research Video is an introduction to a new type of software and publication based on annotated videos. Practitioners and researchers who work with motion data, for example in the fields of performative art, film, behavioral research or sports science, are supported in their work process and have the opportunity to publish content via video that a printed book cannot convey.
The handbook not only presents the findings of the Research Video project at Zurich University of the Arts, but also offers a manual for using the software tool. Low-threshold “hands-on” access and the absence of a theoretical superstructure allow users to quickly become familiar with and use the software tool.
Introduction to the novel form of publication, based on annotated videos.
Low-threshold manual as a supplement for a new, interactive software.
Tool for researchers and practitioners working with motion data


ISBN: 9783035623062

176 pages, 40 illustrations in color & 10 in b/w, 24 x 17 cm, paperback, English