Niele Toroni: 13. Rubenspreis der Stadt Siegen

Eva Schmidt

Musuem für Gegenwartskunst Siegen, 2017


Niele Toroni is one of the key representatives of a conceptual form of painting. In 1966/1967, together with Daniel Buren, Michel Parmentier and Olivier Mosset, he formed the group of artists known to art critics as BMPT (Buren, Mosset, Parmentier, Toroni), who employed radical forms of expression to question traditional methods in art and countered those with new, theoretically based practices. To the present day, Niele Toroni has remained true to the working method he developed at that time: he makes imprints of brush no. 50 at regular intervals of 30 cm on different surfaces and painting backgrounds.
“Imprints of a No. 50 Paintbrush Repeated at Regular Intervals of 30 cm” is the title Niele Toroni gives to every one of his works. In this way, he laconically describes precisely what he does: place a regular pattern of brush imprints onto various surfaces – canvas, paper, glass, the wall – working with primary colours. Looking very carefully, we can see that no one brush imprint is exactly the same as another. But in other respects, too, we discern that the rule permits an astonishingly large number of possible variations. Toroni engages spontaneously with the exhibition spaces and covers large walls as well as out of the way places, where the viewer’s glance is never likely to fall.

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ISBN: 9783960981879

264 pagina's, 150 illustraties in kleur, 24,5 × 30 cm, hardcover, Engels/Duits