Architecture: Movements and Trends from the 19th Century to the Present

Luca Molinari

Skira, 2015


A 360-degree review of the architectural developments of the twentieth century, this book retraces the history of the best-known groups and movements, as well as underlining the powerful influence of trends such as Totalitarian Architecture, Tropical Architecture, Social-Realist Architecture, Blob Architecture and Neo-Vernacular, all of which played a significant role in the rise and evolution of modern trends in the discipline.
In tackling a highly complex century characterized by the rise of globalization, this exhaustive overview does not confine itself to analysing architectural trends in Western countries but expands its field of vision to include world architecture as well. A comprehensive study and research tool, the book is divided into chapters devoted to each individual movement, with a selection of critical essays and numerous photographs of the most important works and projects. Lastly, a brief thematic bibliography and other research tools make Arch an indispensable instrument for students of architecture, design and engineering, as well as anyone with a passion for the subject.

SKU: 12710 Category:

ISBN: 9788857204734

200 pagina's, 28,5 × 23 cm, flexicover, Engels