Philip Metten: Five Works

Wouter Davidts

Roma Publications, 2023


The book presents five works created by Belgian artist Philip Metten (B. 1977) between 2013 and 2021. They are sculptural projects of architectural dimensions that rescale and redefine spaces with a specific public function.

In chronological order, the book introduces us to BAR in Antwerp (2013), the scenography for the exhibition THE CORNER SHOW in Extra City, Antwerp (2015), the façade of art gallery Kai Matsumiya at 153. STANTON in New York (2015), CINEMA, a mobile installation for film screenings in Salonul de Proiecte, Bucharest (2017) and Zeno-X Gallery, Antwerp (2019) and the restaurant ESSEN (2016–2021).

The works are based on five visual compositions that become a structuring typology in the design of the book together with identifying colours, to present text, photography, technical drawings, and technical sheets. In a reference to specific architectural magazines, the Japanese translations and the book design reverse the book’s front and back.
With photos by Jan Kempenaers and drawings by Kris Kimpe and Samyra Moumouh.


ISBN: 9789464460322

88 pagina's, geïllustreerd, 32 x 24 cm, hardcover, Engels