Snelweg x stad / Highway x City

De toekomst van de stedelijke ringweg

Maarten van Acker, Filip Geerts, Roberto Cavallo, Fransje Hooimeijer, Valentina Ciccotosto, o.a.

BNA Onderzoek, 2017


Today, the only urban ring roads we know are highways. The’ve turned their backs on the city and cut the urban fabric to pieces. This was very diferent in the nineteenth century, when ring roads were invented and traffic and urban development still went hand in hand. This book examines the future of the city and the highway. Scientists outline a historical and theoretical framework; seven broad-based teams compising the best Dutch architects and urban diesgners present their designs. Not by goin back to nineteenth-century aestetics, but by reconciling the highway with the city of the twenty-first-century.

Artikelnummer: 14462 Categorie:

ISBN: 9789491789151

160 pagina's, kleuren- & z/w illustraties, 24 x 30 cm, paperback, Nederlands/Engels